Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Clown of God

Bibliographical information:
Title:The Clown God
Author and Illustrator: Tomie dePaola.
Publisher: Harcourt Brace Joanovich. 1978.
Genre: folktale/picture book

Plot summary:
This retelling is based on a very old famous French legend. In this retelling, lives a young orphaned boy named Giovanni. Giovanni dressed in rags, begged and slept in other people's doorway. Despite his difficult life, he was content with it. He was happy with it because he possessed a wonderful talent. He could juggle. Everyday, he would go to the Signor Baptisata's fruit and vegetable stand and juggle. His juggling bought many customers to the stands, and in exchange for customers, Giovanni received a bowl of soup from Signor Baptisata's stand. One day, a group of traveling players visits the town. Giovanni, interested by this group of entertainers, convinces them to let him join. After convincing the Maestro of the traveling players to let him join, Giovanni juggles and juggles, and entertains many people. Giovanni continues to juggle, until people soon became tired of him. They looked at him as the "Old clown who juggles things" One unfortunate day, poor Giovanni is juggling the Sun in Heavens and drops the sun. Because of this, he is ridiculed, and decides to give up juggling forever. With the help of the Lady and her child, Giovanni ends up juggling till his death. This story takes a close look at Giovanni's life from his life as a young juggler till his death.

Theme: Never give up on something, your talent will always be needed.

Illustrations: I have read numerous Tomie dePaola's books, and on my, this is one of my favorites! Many are familiar with his art work. His work is standard among all his books. I took quick notice, that the characters in this particular book have their eyes partially closed. Pupils are not shown, and Giovanni's eyes are merely black slits. In most pictures he is shown wearing a clown mask with his cheeks rose red. I also like the use of color in the pictures. It is a marvelous accommodation to this famous French Legend.

Reflection: This folktale will make one sad and sorry for what Giovanni had to go through. It is always painful having a talent that no one will pay attention to once they are tired of it. Giovanni got discouraged from juggling because of dropping an orange, and the ridicule he received from others. This story taught me something important. It taught me that I should never let anyone or anything put me down or discourage me from doing things I hold dear to heart. I believe this is one of the morals of the story.

Extension Activity:
Idea 1:In a large room, or somewhere with space, learn how to juggle with scarves, tennis balls, and other light and round objects.

Idea 2: Write a letter to Giovanni convincing him not to give up juggling.